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Find Your Lost Pet with CMPD Animal Control's Comprehensive Lost and Found Services

Find Your Lost Pet with CMPD Animal Control's Comprehensive Lost and Found Services

Have you ever lost a beloved pet? It's a gut-wrenching feeling, and something that nobody wants to experience. Fortunately, there is a solution- CMPD Animal Control's Lost and Found program.

Did you know that in 2020, CMPD Animal Control reunited over 1000 lost pets with their owners? That's a success rate of over 70%.

If you have lost your pet, the first step is to file a report with CMPD Animal Control. They will also ask you to provide a photo of your pet, as well as any additional identifying information.

Once your report has been filed, be sure to check the CMPD Animal Control website frequently. They update their lost and found page daily, so it's important to keep an eye on it.

If you have found a lost pet, the first step is to bring it to CMPD Animal Control. They will scan the animal for a microchip, which can often lead to a quick reunion with their owner.

But what if the animal doesn't have a microchip? Don't worry- CMPD Animal Control will still make every effort to reunite the pet with their family. They will post photos of the animal on social media, as well as their website.

It's important to remember that not all animals are lost- some may be strays or feral. In these cases, CMPD Animal Control will work to find a safe place for the animal to go, whether that be a foster home or a shelter.

Have you ever considered microchipping your pet? It's a simple and inexpensive procedure, but can make all the difference in reuniting you with your furry friend should they ever get lost.

If you do happen to find a lost pet and are unable to bring it to CMPD Animal Control, remember to at least make an effort to find the owner yourself. Post on social media, put up flyers, and check lost and found pages in your area.

It's important to remember that pets are a part of the family. Losing one can be devastating, but CMPD Animal Control's Lost and Found program offers hope and a solution.

Don't wait until it's too late- file a report with CMPD Animal Control if your pet is missing, and keep an eye on their website. And if you ever come across a lost pet, remember to bring them to CMPD Animal Control. Together, we can help reunite lost pets with their families.

Cmpd Animal Control > Lost And Found
"Cmpd Animal Control > Lost And Found" ~ bbaz

CMPD Animal Control: Lost and Found

Have you ever lost a beloved pet? The sorrow people feel when they lose their pets can be overwhelming. They may feel like they have lost a part of their family. If you're ever in this situation, don't give up hope – CMPD Animal Control may be able to help you find your lost pet.

What is CMPD Animal Control?

CMPD (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department) Animal Control is a division of the police department that focuses on animal-related issues. The primary goal of Animal Care and Control is to balance the health, safety, and welfare needs of the people and animals in Charlotte-Mecklenburg.

How Can CMPD Animal Control Help You?

If you've lost your pet, CMPD Animal Control offers several helpful services. One of the most important ones is to check their lost and found database. You can quickly search the database online by visiting their website or by calling their hotline.If someone has found your pet, they will bring it to Animal Control, where staff members will give it food, water, and shelter while they try to locate you. Additionally, Animal Control officers patrol the city streets every day and try to identify animals that are wandering around without an owner.If Animal Control finds an animal, they will try to identify the owner through an implanted microchip or ID tags. If these methods don't yield results, Animal Control waits for a certain amount of time before putting the animal up for adoption.

What Should You Do If You Find a Lost Pet?

If you find a lost pet, you can also turn to Animal Control for help. You should contact Animal Control as soon as possible with the following information:- Your name, contact information, and location- A description of the animal (breed, color, and sex)- The location where you found the animal- Any distinctive features of the animal (such as a collar or microchip)

What Should You Do If You've Lost Your Pet?

If you've lost your pet, the first thing you should do is contact CMPD Animal Control. Here are some additional steps that you can take to increase your chances of finding your pet:- Check with local veterinary clinics in case someone has brought your pet there.- Put up posters in your neighborhood and near the places where you lost your pet.- Post information about your lost pet on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.- Work with local animal rescue organizations to see if they have any leads on your missing pet.


Losing a pet can be one of the most stressful experiences of a pet owner's life. However, thanks to the helpful services provided by CMPD Animal Control, there is hope for reuniting owners with their lost pets. If you've lost or found a pet, don't hesitate to reach out to Animal Control for assistance – they're there to help you get your furry friend back safe and sound.

Comparison: CMPD Animal Control vs. Lost and Found

CMPD Animal Control

CMPD Animal Control is a department under the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department that focuses on animal care and control. The department has a dedicated team of animal control officers who handle cases involving domestic animals, wildlife, and farm animals.

The primary functions of CMPD Animal Control are to enforce animal-related laws and regulations, investigate animal cruelty cases, and provide shelter and care to animals in need. The department also provides public education about responsible pet ownership, animal bite prevention, and wildlife conservation.

Services Offered

Some of the key services offered by CMPD Animal Control include:

  • Animal rescue and transport
  • Investigation of animal cruelty cases
  • Assistance with lost or found pets
  • Enforcement of animal-related laws and regulations
  • Public education about animal care and welfare


In my opinion, CMPD Animal Control is a highly competent and dedicated department that does an excellent job of serving the needs of both animals and people in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area. Their team of animal control officers are well-trained, compassionate, and committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all animals under their care.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is an online platform that connects pet owners with individuals and organizations that have found or rescued lost pets. The platform works by allowing users to post information about a lost or found pet, as well as any relevant details such as location, time, and contact information.

Lost and Found is a valuable resource for pet owners who have lost their pets, as it provides a quick and easy way to spread the word and increase the likelihood of finding their furry friends. The platform is also useful for individuals who have found lost pets, as it allows them to connect with the pet's owner and reunite them with their beloved pet.

Services Offered

Some of the key services offered by Lost and Found include:

  • Posting of lost or found pet information
  • Search functionality for lost and found pets
  • Direct messaging between pet owners and finders
  • Community support and advice on pet-related issues
  • Informational resources on responsible pet ownership


In my opinion, Lost and Found is a valuable resource for pet owners and animal lovers alike. The platform provides a simple yet effective way to connect lost pets with their owners, and the community support and advice is a valuable addition for those seeking assistance on pet-related issues. However, it should be noted that Lost and Found is not a replacement for professional animal control services, as the platform does not have the authority to enforce animal-related laws and regulations.



CMPD Animal Control is available 24/7 for emergency animal control services, and during regular business hours for non-emergency requests. Lost and Found is available online 24/7, and users can post and search for lost or found pets at any time.


CMPD Animal Control is responsible for enforcing animal-related laws and regulations, investigating animal cruelty cases, and providing shelter and care to animals in need. Lost and Found is responsible for connecting pet owners with individuals and organizations that have found or rescued lost pets.

Services Offered

CMPD Animal Control offers a wide range of services, including animal rescue and transport, investigation of animal cruelty cases, assistance with lost or found pets, enforcement of animal-related laws and regulations, and public education about animal care and welfare. Lost and Found offers services such as posting of lost or found pet information, search functionality for lost and found pets, direct messaging between pet owners and finders, community support and advice on pet-related issues, and informational resources on responsible pet ownership.


CMPD Animal Control has the authority to enforce animal-related laws and regulations, whereas Lost and Found does not have any legal authority over animal control issues.


CMPD Animal Control serves the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area, which includes both urban and rural communities. Lost and Found is available nationwide, with a focus on connecting lost pets with their owners.


Overall, both CMPD Animal Control and Lost and Found provide valuable services for the well-being of pets and animals. While CMPD Animal Control focuses on enforcing laws and regulations and providing emergency animal control services, Lost and Found serves as a platform for connecting pet owners with individuals and organizations that have found or rescued lost pets.

Ultimately, the best course of action for pet owners facing animal control concerns is to seek out professional animal control services from departments such as CMPD Animal Control. However, platforms such as Lost and Found can be a useful tool for raising awareness about lost or found pets and connecting with others who share a passion for animal welfare.

CMPD Animal Control - Lost and Found


Losing a pet can be a heart-wrenching experience for any pet owner. Fortunately, there's hope with the CMPD Animal Control - Lost and Found program. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate your way around their procedures and protocols.

Registering Your Lost Pet

If you have lost your pet, the first thing you must do is file a report with CMPD Animal Control - Lost and Found. You can register your lost pet by calling their hotline, submitting an online form, or visiting their offices directly. It's imperative to provide as much information as possible when filling out the report, including your contact details, the date/time of the incident, your pet's physical description, breed, and temperament.

Pro-tip: Have some recent pictures of your pet ready to share, including those showing distinct physical features, scars, or birthmarks, to help identify them quickly.

Searching for Your Lost Pet

After you've registered your pet as lost, check in with CMPD Animal Control - Lost and Found frequently. They update their database every day, so you never know when a new lead on your pet might surface. Apart from that, post flyers around your neighborhood (on telephone poles, at veterinary clinics, pet stores, etc.) and social media platforms, particularly Facebook groups for lost and found pets in your area. Also, visit the local animal shelters regularly to see if your pet has been picked up or turned in.

Pro-tip: Alert your microchip registry company and update your information. Consider posting rewards on your flyers and offering treats to people who may find your pet.

Claiming Your Found Pet

CMPD Animal Control - Lost and Found keeps the found pet's information in their system for three business days. Any valid claim owners must bring proof of ownership (pictures, vet records, adoption or sale papers) to ensure the animal is returned to its rightful owner. They may also charge a holding fee per day to cover medical exams, vaccinations, microchipping, or food.

Pro-tip: Always keep your pet's documents updated, carry a recent photo with you, and be cooperative with the staff during the claiming process to avoid delays.

Preventing Pet Loss

The best approach to pet loss is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Always keep your pet on a leash or in a fenced area to reduce their chances of wandering off or getting lost. Invest in proper identification for your pet, including collars with tags or microchipping, to help you reunite with them quickly.

Pro-tip: Get your pet spayed or neutered to reduce their urge to roam and mark territories, and teach them basic obedience commands to respond to your calls and stay within the familiar premises.


Despite all the precautions, pets can still get lost. The CMPD Animal Control - Lost and Found program is a valuable resource to help you locate your missing pet. By following these tips and procedures, you increase your chances of being reunited with your beloved furry friend.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Animal Control: Serving the Community to Find Lost and Found Pets

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) Animal Control unit serves the community by handling a variety of animal-related issues. One of their most important tasks is reuniting lost and found pets with their owners. In this blog, we will explore how CMPD Animal Control helps reunite missing pets with their families and what you can do if your pet goes missing.

First and foremost, if your pet goes missing, it is crucial to act quickly. Time is of the essence, and the sooner you begin the search, the greater the chances of finding your pet. As soon as you notice that your pet is missing, contact CMPD Animal Control or visit one of their facilities in person. Pet owners can call 311 or submit an online report detailing the pet's description, including breed, size, and other specific features that make them unique.

CMPD Animal Control operates two shelters in Charlotte, which are open 7 days a week for pet owners. The main facility is located on 8315 Byrum Drive, while the other facility is in Davidson on 145 Sanctuary Lane. Both facilities have fully equipped staff and resources to receive, house and maintain all breeds or domesticated animals, including livestock.

As soon as your report is submitted, CMPD Animal Control will begin a thorough search of the surrounding area. The team will check local stray holding facilities, veterinary clinics, and animal hospitals in the immediate region to see if your pet has been picked up or reported missing. The data collected is then entered into their Lost and Found database, allowing the public to access available information about missing pets in the area.

In addition to conducting search and rescue missions, CMPD Animal Control is also an excellent resource for pet owners who want to prevent their pets from getting lost. The team provides information on microchipping and ensures that all animals they find have been properly vaccinated. Microchipping is essential as it can help animal control officers trace the owner of a lost pet. In fact, it is so important that all dogs over four (4) months are required to have a microchip in Charlotte-Mecklenburg County.

When an animal is found and taken into CMPD Animal Control, the staff will scan the animal for any chips or visible identification tags that might reveal the owner's identity. If a chip is present, the team will retrieve the owner's contact information from the chip registry database and make contact with them.

Aside from microchipping, pet owners should ensure their pets wear collars and identification tags, making it easier for someone to return the pet if it wanders off. The tags should be up to date with the owner's current contact information.

A lost pet can create a sense of panic in pet owners, but it's essential not to give up hope. With the help of CMPD Animal Control, many lost pets have been reunited with their families. The agency has a 60% return-to-owner rate, thanks to the dedication and commitment of the staff and volunteers.

If you are looking for a new family pet, perhaps a cat or a dog, CMPD Animal Control can help you with that too. They offer many healthy, adoptable pets you can consider. A visit to their website or shelter will provide information on available pets waiting for a new home.

To further serve the community, CMPD Animal Control collaborates with other community groups in implementing animal welfare programs, such as cruelty investigations, bite response, public safety, spaying, and neutering, among others.

In conclusion, pet owners can rely on Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Animal Control to help with lost and found pets without hesitation. With the resources and expertise available, pet owners can receive the support, advice, and information crucial for finding their pets. The CMPD team is dedicated and committed to helping the community when it comes to animal-related issues.

If you've lost your pet or want a new furry friend, don't hesitate to contact CMPD Animal Control or make a visit to one of their facilities.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out.

People Also Ask About CMPD Animal Control > Lost And Found

What should I do if I lost my pet?

If you've lost your pet, the first thing you should do is file a lost pet report with CMPD Animal Control. You can also post flyers in your neighborhood, visit local animal shelters, and post on social media to help spread the word about your missing pet.

What should I do if I find a stray animal?

If you find a stray animal, it's important that you report it to CMPD Animal Control as soon as possible. The animal may have a microchip that will allow Animal Control to locate the owner. If not, they will take the animal to the shelter where it can be reunited with its owner or adopted by a new family.

Can I adopt a pet from CMPD Animal Control?

Yes, you can adopt a pet from CMPD Animal Control. They have a wide variety of animals available for adoption, including cats, dogs, rabbits, and more. All animals are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped before they are adopted out to ensure their health and safety.

Does CMPD Animal Control provide any other services?

Yes, CMPD Animal Control provides a variety of services related to animal welfare, including:

  1. Investigation of animal cruelty and neglect
  2. Enforcement of animal-related laws and ordinances
  3. Assistance with barking dog complaints
  4. Assistance with removal of dead animals from public areas
  5. Assistance with injured wildlife

If you have a question or concern related to animal welfare, contact CMPD Animal Control for assistance.

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