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The Spirit Animal Oracle: A Comprehensive Guidebook and 68-Card Deck for Unveiling Your Inner Power.

The Spirit Animal Oracle: A Comprehensive Guidebook and 68-Card Deck for Unveiling Your Inner Power.

The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck And Guidebook

Have you ever felt a deep connection to a particular animal or wondered what your spirit animal is? If so, you might want to check out The Spirit Animal Oracle - a 68-card deck and guidebook that helps you connect with your animal spirit guides.

With vibrant artwork and insightful messages, this oracle deck offers a journey of self-discovery and spiritual guidance. Each card features an animal with its unique wisdom and symbolism that can offer profound insights into your life's challenges, desires, and patterns.

Whether you're a beginner to oracle decks or an experienced reader, The Spirit Animal Oracle can be a powerful tool to help you tap into your intuition, gain clarity, and explore your spiritual path.

What Is The Spirit Animal Oracle?

The Spirit Animal Oracle is a beautiful deck created by artist Frédéric Calendini and author Colette Baron-Reid. With 68 cards and a guidebook, it offers a unique way to access the wisdom of spirit animals.

Each card features an animal and its symbolic meaning, along with a message from the animal to guide you on your journey. The cards are designed with eye-catching artwork that captures the essence of each animal, making them easy to connect with and interpret.

But the deck isn't just for divination or fortune-telling. It's also a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. By working with the cards and their animal archetypes, you can gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and patterns, and tap into your inner wisdom to make better decisions.

How To Use The Spirit Animal Oracle

The Spirit Animal Oracle comes with a guidebook that provides instructions on how to use the deck effectively. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Set An Intention

Before you begin, take a moment to clear your mind and set an intention for your reading. What question or issue do you want guidance on? What outcome are you hoping for?

2. Shuffle The Deck

Take the cards in your hands and shuffle them while focusing on your intention. You can also fan out the cards face-down and choose a card intuitively, without shuffling.

3. Draw A Card

Pick a card from the deck and read its message. Take note of the animal depicted on the card and its symbolic meaning, as well as what the message says about your situation.

4. Reflect On The Guidance

Take some time to reflect on what the card's message means for you. How can you apply it to your situation? What insights does it offer about your patterns and challenges?

5. Take Action

Finally, take action based on the guidance you received. Use the card's message to make decisions, change your mindset, or take practical steps to achieve your goal.

Final Thoughts

The Spirit Animal Oracle can be a powerful tool for anyone seeking spiritual guidance, self-discovery, or personal growth. With its beautiful artwork and insightful messages, it offers a unique way to connect with your animal spirit guides and tap into your inner wisdom.

Whether you're new to oracle decks or a seasoned reader, The Spirit Animal Oracle is a must-have in your collection. So why not give it a try and see what insights your animal guides have in store for you?

The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck And Guidebook
"The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck And Guidebook" ~ bbaz

About The Spirit Animal Oracle

The Spirit Animal Oracle is a magical 68-card deck and guidebook created by Colette Baron-Reid. Each card in the deck features an animal spirit that provides guidance, messages, and wisdom to the user. The animals chosen for the deck come from various cultures, myths, and legends around the world and have sacred significance. By tuning in to the energy of the chosen spirit animal, the user can gain insight into their personal life, relationships, career, or spiritual path.

The Artwork and Card Quality

The artwork in The Spirit Animal Oracle is stunning! Each card depicts an animal spirit in a visually appealing way through watercolors and illustrations. The colors used in the images are vivid and rich, enhancing the energy and beauty of each animal. The card quality is excellent, with a glossy finish that protects the cards from wear and tear. The card size is standard, making it easy to shuffle and handle the deck comfortably.

How to Use The Deck

The Spirit Animal Oracle Guidebook contains detailed information about how to use the deck and interpret the messages from the animal spirits. Before using the deck, the user needs to set their intentions and clear their mind by focusing on their breath. Next, they need to ask their question or request guidance from their animal spirit. Then, they will shuffle the deck and choose one card randomly, trusting their intuition on which one to select.

Reading the Cards

Each card in The Spirit Animal Oracle contains a message from the animal spirit, along with keywords and phrases that provide insight into the interpretation. The guidebook elaborates further on the message and suggests a potential action that the user can take to achieve their desired outcome. Additionally, the guidebook explains the Native American Medicine Wheel and how it relates to the animal spirits, which can provide more in-depth interpretations.

Examples of Animal Spirits and Their Meanings

Some of the animal spirits featured in The Spirit Animal Oracle include the Wolf, Bear, Butterfly, Tiger, Eagle, Deer, and many more. Each animal spirit brings unique characteristics and messages to the reader. For example, the Wolf is a symbol of pathfinding, instinct, loyalty, and protection. The Butterfly represents transformation, personal growth, and spiritual awakening. The Tiger signifies courage, strength, passion, and leadership, while the Eagle represents higher consciousness, vision, and enlightenment.

The Benefits of Using The Spirit Animal Oracle

The Spirit Animal Oracle deck has several benefits that make using it a unique and enriching experience. First, it provides a tool for self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth by tapping into universal energy and symbols. Second, it allows the user to reconnect with nature and learn from the wisdom of animals and their instincts. Third, it has the potential to increase one's intuition and psychic abilities by allowing them to practice trusting their inner messages.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, The Spirit Animal Oracle is a fantastic deck for anyone interested in connecting with animal spirits and nature. The artwork, card quality, and guidebook are excellent, making it easy to use and interpret. As a tool for self-discovery and empowerment, it provides a unique approach to spiritual guidance and can benefit anyone who seeks a deeper connection to their intuition and inner wisdom.

The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck And Guidebook – A Comprehensive Comparison


Divination tools are the ultimate companion for people seeking spiritual development. One of the most popular tools is an oracle deck. The Spirit Animal Oracle is one of the newest products in this category that has gained popularity worldwide. In this article, we will compare The Spirit Animal Oracle with similar products in terms of quality, artwork, theme, and accuracy.

The Spirit Animal Oracle vs. The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit

The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit is another oracle deck with a significant following. When compared to The Spirit Animal Oracle, The Wild Unknown features animals in minimalist black and white style. The Spirit Animal Oracle, on the other hand, dazzles with bright colors and intricate designs. Despite their differences in artwork, both decks resonate with animal lovers and provide accurate readings.


The Spirit Animal Oracle's images are vividly illustrated by Jena DellaGrottaglia, featuring both terrestrial and mythical animals such as the Phoenix and the Unicorn. The artwork is done in a digital mixed-media format combining intricately-drawn animals with stunning backgrounds. The cards themselves are also sturdy and have a premium feel to them.


Both decks feature animal guides in their themes, but The Spirit Animal Oracle offers more depth in exploring shamanic traditions. The guidebook provides a comprehensive look into the significance of each animal sign and how it impacts life. The Wild Unknown only gives cursory descriptions of the animals.

The Spirit Animal Oracle vs. The Animal Spirit Deck

The Animal Spirit Deck is another popular oracle deck featuring stylized animal illustrations. When compared to The Spirit Animal Oracle, The Animal Spirit Deck is less refined in its approach. The artwork resembles illustrations found in children's books and lacks the spiritual depth present in The Spirit Animal Oracle.


Both The Spirit Animal Oracle and The Animal Spirit Deck provide accurate readings, so accuracy is not a differentiating factor between them.


The guidebook provided with The Spirit Animal Oracle features 68 detailed cards, offering insight into each animal's energy and how to apply it to daily life. The guidebook of The Animal Spirit Deck is less comprehensive, with only 44 cards described in one paragraph each.

The Spirit Animal Oracle vs. The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards

The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards is another oracle deck that follows shamanic traditions. When compared to The Spirit Animal Oracle, The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards focuses more on human archetypes and less on animal guides. The artwork in The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards is almost exclusively in black and white line drawings, creating a stark contrast to the lush colors found in The Spirit Animal Oracle.

Card quality

Both decks offer good card quality, but The Spirit Animal Oracle boasts premium quality cards with a linen finish, making the cards feel luxurious compared to The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards.


Like The Wild Unknown and The Animal Spirit Deck, The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards delivers three- to five-word descriptions on the cards, making it less ideal for readers who seek depth and comprehensive insights.

The Spirit Animal Oracle vs. The Animal Kin Oracle

The Animal Kin Oracle is another animal-themed oracle deck that uses stylized illustrations. When compared to The Spirit Animal Oracle, The Animal Kin Oracle features homogenized animal designs with occasional background patterns, limiting its visual appeal.


The Spirit Animal Oracle provides versatility by combining terrestrial and mythical animals in its deck. This approach provides options for a reader to connect with both animal and mythical energies. The Animal Kin Oracle, however, lacks mythical creatures, making its scope of readings limited.


The Spirit Animal Oracle’s guidebook provides extensive insight into each card, allowing readers to gain clear guidance from the readings. The Animal Kin Oracle, on the other hand, provides only an abbreviated description of each card, limiting its accuracy.


In conclusion, The Spirit Animal Oracle is undoubtedly a valuable addition to one's oracle deck collection. It offers beautiful artwork, comprehensive insights, and versatile readings. While some decks excel in one area, The Spirit Animal Oracle shines regarding overall quality. This deck is perfect for readers seeking spiritual depth, artistic expression, and accurate guidance.

The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck And Guidebook


Spirit animals have been an important part of many cultures around the world for centuries. These animals represent our connection to the natural world and can help us better understand ourselves, our strengths, and our weaknesses. The Spirit Animal Oracle is a 68-card deck and guidebook that can help you connect with these animal energies and tap into their wisdom.

Understanding the Cards

The Spirit Animal Oracle deck features 68 cards, each with a different animal and message. The cards are divided into six categories: Earth Walkers, Air Messengers, Fire Creators, Water Guardians, Spirit Dancers, and Shadow Seekers. Each animal has a specific meaning, and the accompanying guidebook provides detailed information about each card and its message.

Using the Deck

To use the Spirit Animal Oracle, begin by shuffling the cards and focusing on your question or intention. Then, draw a card and reflect on the message it contains. You may want to journal about your experience or meditate on the animal energy it represents. Repeat this process as often as you like, either daily or whenever you need guidance.

Getting to Know Your Spirit Animal

As you work with the Spirit Animal Oracle, you may find that certain animals appear more frequently than others. These animals may be your personal spirit guides, and it can be helpful to spend time learning more about them. You can research their cultural significance, read books on their symbolism, or even visit a wildlife sanctuary to observe them in person.

Connecting with Your Spirit Animal

Once you have identified your spirit animal, you can deepen your connection with them by meditating on their energy, visualizing yourself surrounded by their presence, or creating art or jewelry that represents them. You may also want to set up a sacred space in your home dedicated to them, where you can honor and connect with their energy.

Integrating Your Spirit Animal's Wisdom

As you work with the Spirit Animal Oracle, you may find that the messages you receive offer guidance and insight into areas of your life such as relationships, career, or personal growth. To integrate this wisdom, consider taking action on the guidance you receive. For example, if you draw the wolf card, which represents loyalty, you might ask yourself how you can be more loyal to those around you.

Final Thoughts

Spirit animals can be powerful guides and allies on our spiritual journeys. The Spirit Animal Oracle is a wonderful tool for connecting with these energies and gaining deeper insight into ourselves and the world around us. Whether you are new to working with spirit animals or have been exploring this path for some time, this deck and guidebook can offer a wealth of knowledge and support. So why not embrace your inner wildness and see what guidance your spirit animal has to offer?

The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck And Guidebook

Thank you for joining me as we explore the world of animal spirits with The Spirit Animal Oracle deck and guidebook. These cards offer a unique opportunity to connect with the natural world and tap into our intuitive wisdom. By learning to communicate with animals, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own needs and desires, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

If you're new to working with oracle cards, don't worry! The Spirit Animal Oracle provides plenty of guidance and support to help you get started. Each card features a beautiful illustration of an animal, along with a message and a keyword to guide your interpretation. The accompanying guidebook offers additional insights and information about each animal, as well as practical exercises to deepen your experience.

As you begin to work with these cards, it's important to approach them with an open mind and heart. Remember that the animals are not here to tell you what to do, but rather to offer guidance and support as you navigate your own path. Trust your intuition as you work with the cards, and be willing to explore new possibilities and perspectives.

One of the things I love about this deck is its emphasis on the interconnectedness of all living things. The animals we encounter in our lives are not simply random creatures, but rather parts of a larger web of life. By learning to recognize and honor the spirit of each animal, we can deepen our sense of connection to the natural world and all its inhabitants.

Another key aspect of working with animal spirits is developing a sense of respect and reverence. It's important to remember that these are not simply symbols or totems, but living beings with their own wisdom and power. When we approach the animals with humility and a willingness to learn, we open ourselves up to their guidance and support.

Whether you are working with the Spirit Animal Oracle for personal growth, spiritual development, or simply for fun and inspiration, I encourage you to approach it with a sense of curiosity and wonder. The world of animal spirits is rich and endlessly fascinating, and there is always more to discover.

Finally, I want to offer my gratitude to Colette Baron-Reid for creating this beautiful deck and guidebook. Her deep connection to the natural world shines through in every card, and her wisdom and insight are truly inspiring. If you are interested in learning more about animal spirits and oracle cards, I highly recommend checking out her other work as well.

Thank you again for joining me on this journey with The Spirit Animal Oracle. May these cards bring you joy, wisdom, and a deeper connection to the natural world and all its inhabitants.

People Also Ask about The Spirit Animal Oracle: A 68-Card Deck and Guidebook

What is The Spirit Animal Oracle?

The Spirit Animal Oracle is a card deck and guidebook set that aims to provide insights and guidance to people through the use of spirit animals. It contains 68 cards, each featuring a different animal and its corresponding message.

How do I use The Spirit Animal Oracle?

Using The Spirit Animal Oracle involves pulling a card from the deck and reading its message. The accompanying guidebook provides further insight and interpretation of the card's meaning, as well as ways to apply its wisdom in your life.

What are the benefits of using The Spirit Animal Oracle?

The Spirit Animal Oracle can help you gain clarity and understanding about yourself and your life. By tapping into the wisdom of various animal spirits, you can receive guidance and support in various aspects of your life, including relationships, career, and personal growth.

Is The Spirit Animal Oracle suitable for beginners?

Yes, The Spirit Animal Oracle is designed to be accessible to users of all levels of experience. The guidebook offers clear explanations of the cards' meanings, as well as practical tips for using them effectively.

Can The Spirit Animal Oracle be used for divination or fortune-telling?

While The Spirit Animal Oracle may provide some insights and guidance, it is not meant to be used as a tool for divination or fortune-telling. Its purpose is to offer inspiration and support for personal growth and self-discovery.

Is The Spirit Animal Oracle culturally sensitive?

The Spirit Animal Oracle draws inspiration from various spiritual traditions and respects the cultural significance of spirit animals in indigenous cultures. However, it is important to approach the cards and their messages with respect and understanding, rather than appropriating or trivializing their cultural significance.

Where can I purchase The Spirit Animal Oracle?

The Spirit Animal Oracle can be purchased at various bookstores and online retailers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

What is the price of The Spirit Animal Oracle?

The price of The Spirit Animal Oracle varies depending on the retailer and format (hardcover versus paperback). On Amazon, it currently ranges from $15 to $20 USD.

Is there a digital version of The Spirit Animal Oracle available?

No, at this time, The Spirit Animal Oracle is only available in a physical card deck and guidebook set.

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