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Unlock Your Inner Animal Trapper: Learn How to Catch a Softshell Turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Unlock Your Inner Animal Trapper: Learn How to Catch a Softshell Turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Are you an Animal Crossing New Horizons player who has been struggling to catch a Softshell Turtle? Well, you're not alone. This elusive creature can be quite tricky to nab, but fear not! In this article, we'll provide you with some tips and tricks on how to catch one.

First things first, let's go over the basics. Softshell Turtles can be found in freshwater sources such as rivers and ponds. They are active from 4 pm to 9 am during the months of August through September in the Northern Hemisphere, and February through March in the Southern Hemisphere.

Now that you know when and where to find them, the next step is to make sure you're using the right bait. Softshell Turtles are carnivorous, so fish bait is your best bet. Make sure to have plenty of it on hand as they tend to have a short attention span.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that Softshell Turtles are known for their ability to blend in with their surroundings? They can often be spotted by looking for small bubbles or ripples in the water. Keep a keen eye out for any disturbances in the water, as this could be your chance to catch one.

Another tip is to try and approach the turtle from behind. This may sound counterintuitive, but Softshell Turtles have a blind spot directly behind them, making it easier for you to sneak up on them.

Still having trouble? Don't worry, there are a few more tricks up our sleeves. Softshell Turtles are known to be particularly fond of specific types of fish, such as the Crucian Carp or the Black Bass. Use these fish as bait to increase your chances of catching one.

Additionally, make sure to keep your rod steady and be patient. Softshell Turtles tend to be a bit cautious and may take a while to grab onto your bait. Don't get discouraged if it takes a few tries!

Lastly, for the ultimate advantage, make sure to have the right equipment. Use a fishing rod that's long enough to reach your target area, and upgrade it with stronger line to ensure that the turtle won't break free once you hook it.

In conclusion, catching a Softshell Turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons takes a bit of patience and strategy, but it's definitely doable. Follow these tips and tricks, and you'll be on your way to adding this elusive creature to your collection. Happy fishing!

How To Catch A Softshell Turtle In Animal Crossing New Horizons
"How To Catch A Softshell Turtle In Animal Crossing New Horizons" ~ bbaz


If you have been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, you must have come across a Softshell Turtle. Catching this creature can be quite a challenge if you don't know how to go about it. Softshell turtles are known for being elusive, but with the right tools and techniques, you can catch one with ease. This article will show you how.

What You Need

To catch a Softshell Turtle, you will need specific equipment. Firstly, you need a fishing rod that can catch at least large-sized fish. Secondly, you will need patience because these creatures are quite slippery and move fast in water. Lastly, you need to know where to find them. Softshell Turtles are found in rivers and ponds between the months of August and September, from 4 pm to 9 am.

Fishing Technique

Once you have located a river or pond where Softshell Turtles are known to inhabit, approach the water slowly. Make sure your fishing rod is equipped with bait. Cast your line in the water and wait for the turtle to approach. To ensure that you catch the turtle, try casting your line near the shore or in shallow waters. This increases the chances that the turtle will swim near your bait.

Patience is Key

Catching a Softshell Turtle requires patience. The turtle may take some time to approach your bait, so do not be too eager to reel in your fishing line. Once the turtle approaches the bait, you need to be quick to reel in the line before the turtle goes away. If the turtle bites your bait, you will notice that your fishing rod bends slightly. This is your cue to start reeling in your line slowly and steadily.

Reeling and Catching the Turtle

When the turtle bites your bait, reel in your line slowly and steadily. Do not pull too hard as this can cause the turtle to escape. Softshell Turtles are very slippery, so you need to be patient when reeling in your line. It may take a while before you can finally catch the turtle. Once you have caught the turtle, you will see it wriggling on your fishing line.

Selling your Turtle

When you have successfully caught your Softshell Turtle, it's time to sell it. The turtle can be sold for 3750 bells at Nook's Cranny, which makes it an excellent way to earn money.


Catching a Softshell Turtle may seem challenging at first, but with the right tools and techniques, you can catch one with ease. Remember to be patient, take your time, and use the correct bait. With these tips, you'll soon be able to add a Softshell Turtle to your collection in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Good luck!

How To Catch A Softshell Turtle In Animal Crossing New Horizons


Animal Crossing New Horizons is an exciting game that involves catching different aquatic creatures, including softshell turtles. Softshell turtles are not easy to catch, and you need some skills and tactics to get them. In this article, we will guide you on how you can easily catch a softshell turtle in the game.

What Is A Softshell Turtle?

The Softshell Turtle is a rare species of turtle found in bodies of freshwater like rivers, lakes, and ponds. They have a flat, leathery shell without any hard plates, which makes them soft. Due to their unique features, they are hard to catch in the game, and you must have several skills to grab them.

The Right Time To Catch Softshell Turtles

Softshell turtles are available in the game only during specific months of the year and times of the day. You will find them in rivers and ponds, and they are active between 4 pm and 9 am. Additionally, they are only available between August and September in the Northern Hemisphere and February and March in the Southern Hemisphere.

Catching A Softshell Turtle

To catch a softshell turtle, you will need to use bait or take advantage of specific weather conditions. When it rains, you have better chances of catching a softshell turtle. Using bait, you need to throw the bait next to the turtle and wait for it to take hold. Once this happens, reel it in slowly, and make sure you keep the tension on your line.

Equipment Needed

To catch a softshell turtle, you will need the following equipment:
  • Fishing rod
  • Bait

Comparison Between Bait and Weather Conditions

Catching a softshell turtle requires either bait or specific weather conditions. However, bait has a significantly higher success rate than waiting for the weather to change. You need to wait for rain instead of having a high success rate using bait.
Bait Weather Conditions
Higher success rate Significantly lower success rate

Best Location To Catch Softshell Turtles

The softshell turtle is found in ponds and rivers. When fishing in rivers, make sure you are next to the river, where it is deepest, and use bait. When fishing in ponds, try to find areas with a shadowy overhang to increase your chance of success.

Avoid Scaring The Softshell Turtle

Turtles are easily scared; hence you should take specific precautions when trying to catch one. Avoid running near the banks of the river or pond as turtles can sense movement or vibrations, which will scare them away. You should also walk slowly and quietly when approaching the water.

Best Time Of Day To Catch A Softshell Turtle

The best time of day to catch a softshell turtle is between 4 pm and 9 am. This is because they are more active during these hours, making them easier to catch.

Softshell Turtle Shadow Size

The softshell turtle is large and easy to spot, just like other large fish species in the game. They have a unique shadow size of four that makes them easily distinguishable from other aquatic creatures.
Fish Name Shadow Size
Softshell Turtle 4
Archer Fish 2
Arapaima 6


Catching a softshell turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons requires special skills, the right equipment, patience, and timing. Use of bait for catching them has a significantly higher success rate over waiting for weather conditions. Ensure you choose the right location and time of day and avoid scaring the turtle when trying to catch one. Now that you know how to catch this rare and elusive creature, get your gear, go out, and try your luck at catching the Softshell Turtle today!

How To Catch A Softshell Turtle In Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a popular simulation game where players can create their own island and engage in different activities to keep the island thriving. One of the many fun things that players can do is fishing. Fishing in Animal Crossing is a great way to earn money and complete your museum collection. In this article, we will discuss how to catch a softshell turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Locating Softshell Turtles

Before you can catch a softshell turtle, you need to know where to find them. Softshell turtles are found in ponds on your island. They can spawn at any time during the day or night and during any season. If you haven't seen them before, check any ponds on your island.

Getting The Right Equipment

Now that you know where to find the Softshell turtles, you'll need the right gear to catch them. You will need a fishing rod with bait. Make sure to visit the store and buy some bait, which can be crafted using Manila Clams. You can purchase the fishing rod from the store as well.

Casting Your Line

To catch a Softshell Turtle, cast your line into the pond where they are located. It's essential to make sure that you have bait attached to the line to attract their attention. Then wait until the Softshell Turtle shows interest in the bait.

Reeling In The Softshell Turtle

Once the Softshell Turtle has nibbled on your bait, it's time to reel it in. Press A when the fish bites the bait. When the controller vibrates, you know the turtle is hooked. Reel it in slowly but don't pull too quickly, or the line will snap. Be patient and wait for the fish to tire so you can reel it in smoothly.

What To Do If You Fail To Catch A Softshell Turtle

If you fail to catch a Softshell Turtle, don't worry; you can always try again. Cast your line in the pond until you catch them. Softshell Turtles can be caught at any time of day, but if you have trouble finding them, try coming in the evening.

Tips For Catching Softshell Turtles

Catching Softshell Turtles is relatively easy, but here are some tips to help:

1. Go Fishing On Your Island's Ponds

Softshell Turtles are exclusive to ponds, so that's where you should go fishing for them.

2. Get The Best Fishing Rod Available

You need a fishing rod to catch Softshell Turtles, so make sure you have the right equipment. It's better to get the best fishing rod available for faster speed.

3. Use Bait To Attract Them

Using bait will attract the Softshell Turtle more effectively, so make sure that you have some bait with you.

4. Stay Still And Wait

When fishing for Softshell Turtles, be patient and wait for them to take the bait. They will eventually eat it if you remain still.

5. Time Of Day Matters

Softshell Turtles can be caught at any time of day, but they are more active during the evening and night.

In Conclusion

Catching Softshell Turtles has never been easier in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Now that you know how to catch them, be sure to take time and try it out. Remember to keep trying if you fail, and follow our tips to catch them easily. Good luck!

How To Catch A Softshell Turtle In Animal Crossing New Horizons

Animal Crossing New Horizons is an exciting game full of unique challenges and surprises. As you explore the world around you, you'll encounter a wide variety of animals and creatures, each with their own set of behaviors and habits. One of the more unusual creatures you can encounter in the game is the softshell turtle.

If you're interested in catching one of these elusive creatures, you'll need to take some time to learn about their habits and preferences. In this article, we'll share some tips and tricks that will help you catch a softshell turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Understanding Softshell Turtles

Before you begin your hunt for a softshell turtle, it's important to take the time to understand a little bit about these creatures. Softshell turtles are freshwater turtles, which means they're most commonly found in rivers, ponds, and lakes throughout the game. They have rounded, soft shells instead of the hard, bumpy shells that other turtle species have.

One thing to note about softshell turtles is that they're very sensitive to sound and movement. If they sense any kind of disturbance, they'll quickly retreat to the safety of deep water. That means you'll need to be very careful and patient if you want to catch one.

The Best Time to Catch Softshell Turtles

Like many animals in Animal Crossing New Horizons, softshell turtles are most active during certain times of the day. In this case, your best bet for catching one is between 4 PM and 9 AM. During this time frame, softshell turtles will be swimming around and looking for food, which makes them much more likely to take the bait.

It's worth noting that, like many other creatures in the game, softshell turtles will only spawn during certain months of the year. Specifically, they'll be available from August to September in the northern hemisphere, and from February to March in the southern hemisphere.

Where to Find Softshell Turtles

Once you know when to look for softshell turtles, your next step is to find a location where they're likely to be. As we mentioned earlier, these creatures are most commonly found in freshwater bodies, so your best bet is to look around rivers, ponds, and lakes. They can also be found in secluded areas of the map, such as behind rocks or on small islands.

To increase your chances of finding a softshell turtle, try visiting different parts of the map at different times of the day. You might be surprised at how much variety you can find by exploring different areas!

Catching Softshell Turtles

Now that you know where to look for softshell turtles, it's time to learn how to actually catch them. There are a few things you'll need to keep in mind if you want to be successful:

  • Use the correct bait - Softshell turtles are primarily carnivores, which means they'll be looking for meat-based bait. The best options include fish bait or small fish, which will attract them quickly.
  • Keep your distance - Remember, softshell turtles are easily disturbed by sound and movement. To increase your chances of catching one, try to approach quietly and from a safe distance.
  • Be patient - Finally, catching a softshell turtle can take some time. You may need to wait patiently for extended periods until the creature comes close enough to your bait.

Wrap Up

Softshell turtles may be elusive, but with the right strategy and a little bit of patience, you can catch one for your collection. Remember to use the correct bait, approach quietly and cautiously, and be prepared to wait patiently until your target comes along.

We hope that this guide has been helpful in your quest to catch a softshell turtle in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Good luck, and happy hunting!

If you enjoyed this article, consider checking out our other Animal Crossing New Horizons guides. We're always updating our content with new tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this exciting game!

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope to see you back here soon!

How To Catch A Softshell Turtle In Animal Crossing New Horizons

What are Softshell Turtles?

Softshell Turtles are a type of aquatic animal that can be found in the rivers and ponds of your Animal Crossing New Horizons island. They are large turtles with flat, soft shells that make them easy to identify.

When can I catch Softshell Turtles in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Softshell Turtles can be caught in the months of August and September in the Northern Hemisphere, and February and March in the Southern Hemisphere. They can be caught at any time during the day but are most active during the early morning and late afternoon.

What do I need to catch a Softshell Turtle?

To catch a Softshell Turtle, you will need a fishing rod. You can purchase a fishing rod from Nook's Cranny or craft one yourself using a flimsy fishing rod and tree branches.

How do I catch a Softshell Turtle?

  1. Equip your fishing rod and approach a river or pond.
  2. Look for large, dark shadows swimming in the water. These shadows indicate the presence of a fish or other aquatic creature.
  3. Cast your line by pressing A and aim for the shadow.
  4. Wait for the fish to bite. The waiting time for a Softshell Turtle bite can range from a few seconds to a minute.
  5. Once the fish bites, press A again to reel it in.
  6. If you catch a Softshell Turtle, it will be added to your inventory.


Be patient while waiting for the Softshell Turtle to take the bait. They are a rare creature, so it may take several tries before you catch one.

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