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Uncover the Secrets of Animal Jam's Deep Blue Journey Book: Expert Cheats Revealed!

Uncover the Secrets of Animal Jam's Deep Blue Journey Book: Expert Cheats Revealed!

Are you playing Animal Jam and want to complete the Deep Blue Journey Book fast? Well, you're in luck! In this article, we'll reveal some amazing cheats that will help you breeze through the game in no time.

First things first, have you ever wondered what the Deep Blue Journey Book is all about? It's a quest where you'll explore the depths of the ocean and discover various sea creatures. To complete it, you'll need to find all the hidden sea creatures within the different backgrounds.

Now, let's talk about some cheats that will help you complete the quest in record time! Have you noticed the little starfish icons in each background? If you click on them, you'll see a hint on where to find the hidden creatures. How easy is that?

But wait, there's more! Have you heard about using the tab key to reveal the hidden creatures? When you're in a background, simply press the tab key to highlight the location of the hidden creature. This makes finding them a piece of cake!

If you're still struggling to find some of the creatures, have you considered joining a trading group? You can trade items that you don't need for ones that will help you unlock the hints you need. This is a great option if you're running out of ideas or patience!

Another great tip is to zoom in and out of each background. Sometimes, the sea creatures are hiding in plain sight, but you won't be able to see them until you've adjusted your view. So, try zooming in or out of the screen and see if you can spot anything new.

Do you want to know a secret? Some of the creatures are not even in the main part of the screen! They might be hiding behind something or in a corner. So, don't be afraid to explore the edges of each background; you might just find what you're looking for!

Have you checked your inventory lately? Sometimes, you might have already collected a creature without realizing it. So, go through your items list and see if you've missed anything.

Here's some statistics for you: did you know that there are a total of 17 sea creatures to find in the Deep Blue Journey Book? Knowing this can help you keep track of how many you've already found and how many you still need to locate.

If you're still stuck, why not watch some walkthroughs on YouTube? There are many gamers out there who have completed the quest and are happy to share their tips and tricks with you. Plus, it's always fun to see how others approach the game!

Finally, don't forget to have fun while playing the game! The Deep Blue Journey Book is a challenging quest, but it's also a great opportunity to learn about different types of sea creatures and ecosystems. So, take your time, enjoy the journey, and use these cheats to make your gaming experience more pleasant!

In conclusion, we hope you found these cheats helpful and that they'll help you complete the Deep Blue Journey Book faster than you ever thought possible. Remember to explore every inch of the game, trade items with others, and use the tab key to your advantage. With these tips in mind, you'll be a pro at Animal Jam in no time!

Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats
"Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats" ~ bbaz


Animal Jam is a popular online game developed by WildWorks. The game is set in the world of Jamaa, where players can explore different lands and meet new friends. One of the exciting features of the game is the Journey Book. It has several pages, and players have to complete them by finding a set of hidden items in each page. The Deep Blue Journey Book is one of the challenging pages which require some cheats to complete. In this article, I am going to share some Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book cheats to help you complete the quest quickly.

The Deep Blue Journey Book Page

The Deep Blue Journey Book is set in the Bahari Bay land of Jamaa. The page has 9 items that players need to find to complete it. These items include a fern, seaweed, starfish, seahorse, clam, shell, crab, anemone, and coral. Each item has its location on the page, which players must find.

Cheats for Finding the Items

Finding all the items on the Deep Blue Journey Book page can be tricky. Here are some Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book cheat codes to help you locate them:

Cheats for Finding the Fern

The fern is located on the top left side of the page. To find it, you have to click on the birds flying over the tree, and the fern will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Seaweed

The seaweed is found in the middle of the page, near the seahorse. You have to click on the small rock on the right side of the seahorse, and the seaweed will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Starfish

The starfish is located on the bottom right side of the page. You have to click on the white jellyfish, and the starfish will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Seahorse

The seahorse is located in the middle of the page. You have to click on the kelp on the left side of the page, and the seahorse will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Clam

The clam is located on the top side of the page. You have to click on the small rock on the right side of the page, and the clam will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Shell

The shell is located on the bottom left side of the page. You have to click on the green seaweed, and the shell will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Crab

The crab is located on the bottom left side of the page. You have to click on the yellow fish, and the crab will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Anemone

The anemone is located on the top right side of the page. You have to click on the small rock on the left side of the page, and the anemone will appear.

Cheats for Finding the Coral

The coral is located on the top right side of the page. You have to click on the end of the blue seaweed, and the coral will appear.


The Deep Blue Journey Book page is one of the challenging pages in Animal Jam. However, with the above cheats, you should be able to complete it easily. Remember, the cheats are only meant to guide you, and the fun of the game is in exploring and discovering things on your own. Happy gaming!

Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats Comparison Review


Animal Jam is a popular online game for children that simulates a virtual world where they can interact with other players, purchase items, and explore different locations. One major feature of the game is the Journey Books, which are special guides that help players discover hidden secrets and earn rewards. In this article, we'll compare some of the best cheats for completing the Deep Blue Journey Book.

Overview of Deep Blue Journey Book

The Deep Blue Journey Book is one of the most challenging books in Animal Jam. It contains eight pages and requires players to explore many different underwater locations and find various items and animals. Some of the most difficult tasks include locating the sea spider in Bahari Bay and finding the lost city of Otterly Amazing.

Top Cheats

There are several cheats available for completing the Deep Blue Journey Book. Some of the best ones include:

Tutorial Videos and Walkthrough Guides

One of the easiest ways to complete the book is to watch tutorial videos or read walkthrough guides. These resources provide step-by-step instructions on how to find all the items and animals required for each page.

Using the Map

Another helpful tip is to use the in-game map to navigate underwater locations. The map shows all the areas players need to explore to complete the book, including hidden caves and pathways.

Joining a Group

Players can also join a group dedicated to completing the Deep Blue Journey Book. This allows them to collaborate with other players and share tips and strategies for finding all the items and animals.

Comparison Table

Here's a comparison table of the top cheats for completing the Deep Blue Journey Book:
Cheat Advantages Disadvantages
Tutorial Videos and Walkthrough Guides Easy to follow instructions May take away from the challenge of completing the book
Using the Map Helps players find hidden locations Doesn't provide strategies for completing tasks
Joining a Group Allows players to collaborate with others May require sharing personal information with strangers


Completing the Deep Blue Journey Book in Animal Jam can be a difficult task, but there are many cheats available to make it easier. From tutorial videos and walkthrough guides to using the in-game map and joining a group, players have several options for finding all the items and animals required for each page. Ultimately, the best cheat will depend on the individual player's preferences and play style.

Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats


Animal Jam is a virtual world game that allows kids to interact with friends, adopt pets, and participate in adventures. The game has a fantastic feature called Journey Book, which is a booklet that guides you through different locations and provides exciting quests and fun facts about animals.One of the chapters of the Journey Book takes us to the Deep Blue area, where you will explore the amazing underwater world. However, some creatures are tricky to find, and they might be hidden in secret locations. In this article, we will go over some tips and cheats to help you complete the Deep Blue Journey Book.

Tip #1: Know the Locations

It's essential to know where to locate each creature to successfully complete the Journey Book. The Deep Blue area consists of several locations, including Bahari Bay, Crystal Sands, Kani Cove, and Deep Blue.Each location has its unique creatures, and you can recognize them by their silhouette on the Journey Book page. Some animals can only be found during specific times of the day, so don't forget to keep an eye out for the clock icon that indicates a creature's time slot.

Tip #2: Use Your Map

Your map is an essential tool in finding your way around the Deep Blue area. It shows you the location of each area and provides a helpful guide to discovering all the creatures.The map also shows some hidden locations that are not immediately visible and require some exploration. Make sure to check your map regularly to ensure that you are on the right track.

Tip #3: Follow the Clues

When you click on a silhouette of an animal in the Journey Book, it will provide you with some clues on where to find it. These clues can be very helpful in finding the creature, so make sure to read them carefully.Sometimes the clues can be a bit tricky, but they often provide hints about the animal's location or the environment where it lives. Keep your eyes open, and use the clues to help you discover some of the harder-to-find creatures.

Tip #4: Use Your Animal Sense

As you explore the Deep Blue area, keep an eye out for any changes in the environment that may indicate an animal's presence. You might see bubbles rising from the water if a sea turtle is nearby, or hear a seagull call if there is a beach location nearby.Your animal sense can help you locate creatures that are hiding behind objects or camouflaging themselves in the environment. Pay attention to your surroundings, and use your animal sense to find all the animals in the Deep Blue area.

Tip #5: Join a Group

If you're having difficulty finding some of the animals in the Journey Book, consider joining a group or asking your friends for help. There might be other players who have already completed the chapter and can provide some tips and guidance.You can also join a club or group that focuses on exploring the Deep Blue area. These groups often share information and host events, which can help you complete the Journey Book more easily.


Now that you know some tips and cheats to complete the Deep Blue Journey Book, it's time to get started on your adventure. Remember to be patient and persistent, as some creatures may require some time and effort to find.Explore the Deep Blue area thoroughly, use your map and animal sense, and follow the clues provided in the Journey Book. With a little bit of luck and determination, you'll soon complete the chapter and earn some exciting rewards!

Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats

Welcome to Animal Jam, the virtual world where you can explore and play with friends from all over the world! In Animal Jam, one of the most exciting features is the Journey Book, where you can learn about different areas and animals in Jamaa. Each area has its own pages in the Journey Book, which you can complete by finding hidden items.

One of the most challenging Journey Books in Animal Jam is the Deep Blue Journey Book. This book is all about the underwater world of Jamaa and requires you to find a variety of sea creatures and items. Some of these items can be quite tricky to locate, so we have put together a guide to help you complete the Deep Blue Journey Book!

1. Kani Cove:

Let's start with Kani Cove, which is one of the first areas you will explore in the Deep Blue Journey Book. To complete this section, you will need to find 8 different items. Here are their names and locations:

  • Abalone Shell - Under the bottom right rock (near the otter statue)
  • Seaweed - At the far left side of the screen, below the crab statue
  • Starfish - At the bottom right corner of the screen (near the pearl)
  • Pearl - At the bottom right corner of the screen (near the starfish)
  • Conch Shell - At the top right corner of the screen (near the squid statue)
  • Hermit Crab - Near the center of the screen, under a small rock
  • Jellyfish - Near the center of the screen, above the hermit crab
  • Crab - Near the jellyfish, next to a small rock

2. Bahari Bay:

The next area in the Deep Blue Journey Book is Bahari Bay, where you will need to find 7 different items. Here are their names and locations:

  • Turtle Shell - At the bottom right corner of the screen, near the water
  • Sand Dollar - At the top left corner of the screen, under a small rock
  • Clam - At the bottom left corner of the screen, in the sand
  • Squid - Near the center of the screen, swimming around the large rock
  • Razor Clam - At the top right corner of the screen, under a small rock
  • Anemone - Near the top left corner of the screen, on the wall
  • Octopus - Near the anemone, in a small cave

3. Crystal Reef:

The final area in the Deep Blue Journey Book is Crystal Reef, which is the most challenging section. To complete this section, you will need to find 9 different items. Here are their names and locations:

  • Bubble Coral - At the top left corner of the screen, near the surface of the water
  • Seahorse - Near the bubble coral, swimming around
  • Lobster - Near the center of the screen, under a small rock
  • Star Coral - At the bottom left corner of the screen, near the giant clam
  • Giant Clam - Near the star coral, at the bottom left corner of the screen
  • Moray Eel - Near the giant clam, in a small cave
  • Sea Urchin - At the top right corner of the screen, under a small rock
  • Anemone Coral - Near the sea urchin, on the wall
  • Spiny Starfish - Near the anemone coral, on the wall

Those are all the items you need to find to complete the Deep Blue Journey Book in Animal Jam! Some of these items can be quite well hidden, so be sure to explore every inch of the underwater world in Jamaa. Once you have found all the items, you will receive a special prize that you can add to your animal's den.

We hope this guide has helped you complete the Deep Blue Journey Book in Animal Jam. If you have any other tips or cheats for Animal Jam, be sure to share them in the comments below. Happy exploring!

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats. We hope you found this information helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Don't forget to share this article with your friends who play Animal Jam so they can also benefit from these useful tips and tricks!

People Also Ask about Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book Cheats

What is Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book?

Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book is a game guidebook that players can use to navigate the underwater world of Animal Jam. It contains puzzles and hidden items that players need to find in order to complete their collection.

What Are the Benefits of Finding Hidden Items in the Deep Blue Journey Book?

Finding hidden items in the Deep Blue Journey Book can unlock rewards such as gems, prizes, and special animal statues that players can use to decorate their dens and show off to other players.

What are Some Cheats for the Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book?

While there are no official cheats for the Deep Blue Journey Book, here are some tips and tricks that players can use to find the hidden items:

  1. Try clicking on every object on the page, even if it doesn't look like it has a hidden item.
  2. Look for clues in the background of the page, like shapes or patterns that might lead to a hidden item.
  3. Use the Magnifying Glass button at the bottom of the screen to zoom in on specific areas of the page.
  4. Join a group or forum where players share tips and hints for finding the hidden items.

Is it Safe to Use Cheats for the Animal Jam Deep Blue Journey Book?

No, it is not safe to use cheats for Animal Jam or any other online game. Cheating can result in account suspension or even permanent bans. Additionally, cheating can take away from the fun and challenge of the game.

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